23 August 2011

Upcoming Blood Drive for the Garcia Family

Dear Sisters,

We would like to pass this news and upcoming event on to any of you who might be interested in helping Peyton and his family. Please read below for more details.  Peyton is the nephew of Chad and Jasmine Garcia.

The Garcia family of McAllen, TX found out a few days ago that the youngest child of the entire family, Peyton Behren's, age 3, has leukemia. Leukemia is a very serious cancer and can end your life within 2 weeks, if not treated. Peyton will go through 9 straight days of chemotherapy, just to begin with and will possibly require daily blood transfusions. Both of which are very costly. If treated properly, he has a 70-90% chance of recover! God willing! You can help save Peyton by donating Blood! For every blood donation made in Peyton's name, Peyton will receive a monetary credit toward his chemo treatments! CLICK HERE: Blood Drive for Peyton CLICK HERE: Prayers for Peyton

Date: Friday, August 26th, 2011

Time: 4pm-8pm

Where: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
200 E La Vista
McAllen, TX 78501

Peyton is the son of Jennifer and Will Behrens. The grandchild of Steve and Gina Ruiz. 1st great grandchild of Joe and JoAnne Garcia. And loved by many RGV aunts, uncles and cousins including, Chad and Jasmine Garcia.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Andrew Espinosa organizer of this event as his Eagle Scout project! Wow did his project make a difference. Earning an Eagle Scout is a long journey - The Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project is the opportunity for a Scout to demonstrate leadership while performing a project for the benefit of his community. This is the culmination of the Eagle Scout candidate's leadership training and requires a significant effort.
