"Relief Society is the Lord’s organization for women. Through Relief Society, women have an official role in the Church. I know as you study and learn about your responsibilities in the gospel of Jesus Christ, you will see and feel the blessings available to all women. The purpose of Relief Society, as established by the Lord, is to organize, teach, and inspire His daughters to prepare them for the blessings of eternal life."
Julie B. Beck, Relief Society General President
1.) Increase Faith and Personal Righteousness An example of a sister fulfilling this responsibility:
“The answer has been to go back to the basics, beginning with me personally. I make it a priority to have fervent personal prayer and meaningful scripture study every day. . . . I have found that as I have done these simple yet vitally important things, the spirit of love in our home has increased. I have gone about my tasks with an eternal perspective in mind, and I take pride and find joy in my role as a mother and homemaker” (Megan Broughton, in “Questions and Answers,” Ensign, June 2009, 15).
2.)Strengthen Families and Homes The following is an example of how to fulfill our purpose in strengthening our homes:
“Although parenting is hard work, it is made a little easier with the gospel, said Joselyn Akana . . . from Hawaii. ‘It helps me when I have the gospel to anchor me in the caring of my family,’ she said it is important in mothering to consider what a mother should look and sound like. The key to motherhood, she said, is having patience and relying on the gospel for guidance” (Lisa Christensen, “Convert Says Gospel Helps with Parenting,” Church News, June 13, 2009, 15).
“The answer has been to go back to the basics, beginning with me personally. I make it a priority to have fervent personal prayer and meaningful scripture study every day. . . . I have found that as I have done these simple yet vitally important things, the spirit of love in our home has increased. I have gone about my tasks with an eternal perspective in mind, and I take pride and find joy in my role as a mother and homemaker” (Megan Broughton, in “Questions and Answers,” Ensign, June 2009, 15).

“Although parenting is hard work, it is made a little easier with the gospel, said Joselyn Akana . . . from Hawaii. ‘It helps me when I have the gospel to anchor me in the caring of my family,’ she said it is important in mothering to consider what a mother should look and sound like. The key to motherhood, she said, is having patience and relying on the gospel for guidance” (Lisa Christensen, “Convert Says Gospel Helps with Parenting,” Church News, June 13, 2009, 15).
3.)Seek out and help those in need
Examples are the sisters in Calgary who give their time and means to a homeless shelter:
“Since 1995, hundreds of Church members in six Calgary stakes have continually lent a helping hand to the Drop-In Centre in the form of volunteer service, fundraising and financial donations. . . . Some examples of such service include Relief Society sisters from all Calgary stakes making quilts and bedding for more than 600 beds at the homeless shelter. . . . ‘We do not officially sponsor the Drop-In Centre as a Church,’ said Richard Carter, president of the Calgary Alberta South Stake. ‘It is just individuals who go about doing good’ ” (J. G. Askar, “Helping the Homeless in Canada Since 1995,” Church News, May 17, 2009, 10).
“Since 1995, hundreds of Church members in six Calgary stakes have continually lent a helping hand to the Drop-In Centre in the form of volunteer service, fundraising and financial donations. . . . Some examples of such service include Relief Society sisters from all Calgary stakes making quilts and bedding for more than 600 beds at the homeless shelter. . . . ‘We do not officially sponsor the Drop-In Centre as a Church,’ said Richard Carter, president of the Calgary Alberta South Stake. ‘It is just individuals who go about doing good’ ” (J. G. Askar, “Helping the Homeless in Canada Since 1995,” Church News, May 17, 2009, 10).
4.) Who Participates in Relief Society? All women 18 years of age and older, as well as women younger than 18 who are married or are single mothers, are welcomed into the sisterhood of Relief Society. There are approximately 6 million sisters in Relief Society. Since its organization on March 17, 1842, by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Relief Society has spread throughout the world into nearly 170 countries.
5.) Our Motto “Charity Never Faileth” stems from the first Relief Society meeting. The sisters were asked by the Prophet Joseph Smith to assist the brethren “in looking to the wants of the poor—searching after objects of charity, and in administering to their wants.” The sisters took this call to heart and became a society devoted to seeking out the poor and needy. (See Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith [2007], 452.)